Hello! If you read this text file closely, you will have a working copy of "ST NEWS" Volume 11 Issue 1 & 2 within a few minutes. You might want to take the time to print out this file! *IMPORTANT*: THIS ISSUE OF "ST NEWS" NEEDS A HARD DISK AND 2 OR 4 MEGABYTE OF RAM MEMORY TO BE PUT TOGETHER AND A HARD DISK OR A HIGH DENSITY FLOPPY TO RUN FROM. THIS ISSUE OF "ST NEWS" WILL *NOT* RUN FROM MULTIPLE FLOPPIES! STEP 0 - CHECKING - Make sure your hard disk drive has at least 4 Mb of empty space. - Create a folder called "ST_NEWS.111" on your hard disk. STEP 1 - COPYING - Copy the file "ST_NEWS.001" from the first "ST NEWS" disk into the folder "ST_NEWS.111" on your hard disk. - Copy the files "ST_NEWS.000", "ST_NEWS.002 and "SPLITTER.TTP" from the second "ST NEWS" disk into the folder "ST_NEWS.111" on your hard disk, too. - Make sure all the files mentioned above are now in the same folder - "ST_NEWS.111" - of your hard disk. The important thing is that the files *have* to be in one folder together! STEP 2 - PUTTING TOGETHER - Start (double click on) the file called "SPLITTER.TTP" in the folder "ST_NEWS.111" on your hard disk. A so-called 'dialog box' will appear. - Now type in the *exact* line below: -u st_news and press [RETURN] or click the mouse pointer on the "OK" button in the 'dialog'. - The files will now be put together into one big file by the "SPLITTER" program. - After a while, a file called "ST_NEWS.TOS" will have been created in the "ST_NEWS.111" folder on your hard disk. You can delete the files called "ST_NEWS.000", "ST_NEWS.001", "ST_NEWS.002" and "SPLITTER.TTP" now. - "SPLITTER.TTP" is a program that messes about with your computer memory and system variables when it does its work. You'd better reset your system now, or switch it off and on again, to clear things up. STEP 3 - UNZIPPING - Start "ST_NEWS.TOS" by double-clicking on it. - "ST_NEWS.TOS" is a so-called 'self-extracting-archive'. It will now de-archive itself into the separate components that make up "ST NEWS" Volume 11 Issue 1 & 2. - When the "ST_NEWS.TOS" program has finished, it will return to the desktop. You can now remove the file "ST_NEWS.TOS" from your hard disk. STEP 4a - IF YOU WANT TO RUN "ST NEWS" FROM THE HARD DISK - Simply click on the file "ST_NEWS.PRG". That's all. As usual with all previous issues of "ST NEWS", make sure that you do not start it from low resolution mode if you work on an ST. STEP 4b - IF YOU WANT TO RUN "ST NEWS" FROM A HIGH DENSITY FLOPPY - Make sure you have a high density floppy handy, formatted and empty. - Copy the following files from the "ST_NEWS.111" folder onto that floppy: "ST_NEWS.PRG", "SETUP", "ARTICLES" and "KLIK_DIS.1ST". - There is also a folder called "PROGRAMS". In the "PROGRAMS" folder should be two files, called "FEATURES.ZIP" and "WOTSERE.TXT". This folder contains bonus extras. You can keep it on your hard disk or store it on another floppy disk, as there may not be space for it on your regular floppy disk. It is not needed for "ST NEWS" to run properly. - Now simply click on the file "ST_NEWS.PRG" on the floppy. As usual with all previous issues of "ST NEWS", make sure that you do not start it from low resolution mode if you work on an ST. WHAT TO DO IF YOU WANT TO DISTRIBUTE "ST NEWS" ON A HIGH DENSITY FLOPPY? - Instead of a regularly formatted high density disk, use one that is formatted with 22 sectors per track, 80 tracks, 2 sides. This can be done with programs the likes of "Kobold" and "FastCopy Pro". - Now copy all the files onto that disk, including the "PROGRAMS" folder with the "FEATURES.ZIP" and "WOTSERE.TXT" files. - If you can't create such a hyper-formatted high density disk, just send a high density plus 2 International Reply Coupons in a re- usable envelope to the "ST NEWS" correspondence address with a note saying that you want "ST NEWS" Volume 11 Issue 1 & 2 on that disk. THAT'S IT. If you want more information, double-click on the "KLIK_DIS.1ST" file to display it. End of file